Trade Show
The Trade Show is an opportunity for Tulsa Apartment Association(TAA) Supplier Members (vendors) to show off their products and/or services to 300 to 400 residential property management professionals.
Are you ready to play? This year's theme for the Trade Show is Game Night! We encourage exhibitors to incorporate board games into your booth design...there is an award for the Best Booth design! Trade Show attendees should come prepared to play games and have FUN!
Supplier members can register to be an exhibitor - or maximize your exposure by registering to be a sponsor - of the TAA Trade Show. Suppliers must be a member of the Tulsa Apartment Association to be an exhibitor or sponsor of the TAA Trade Show.
Click here to learn more about TAA Supplier Membership.
If you own or work in the rental housing industry you can attend the Tulsa Apartment Association Trade Show - even non-members! Residential property management professionals will have the opportunity to visit with over 50 Supplier Partners (vendors) that provide products & services to the rental housing industry. Not only will you make new connections, but you’ll also learn about new products & services that will impact your NOI.
If you own, manage, or work for a rental housing provider and register by April 5th, you will receive free admission to the TAA Trade Show! Admission is $10 after April 5th.
Registration for rental housing providers is open to members and non-members of TAA.
TAA members that register in advance and visit every booth to complete their game card will be entered into a drawing to win a $250 cash prize! There will be 4 drawings - two at 5:30pm and two at 6:45pm. You must be present to win.
Not only is it an opportunity to meet over 50 Supplier (Vendor) Companies to learn about the products and/or services they offer that could increase your NOI, but it's also an opportunity for you to have some FUN!
Suppliers will have Game Night inspired games and activities at their booths! We'll have free food for all attendees and there will be cash bars setup. If that isn't enough to entice you to attend, there will be LOTS OF PRIZES given away!!! In addition to the four $250 cash prize giveaways & the $100 invitation drawing, Suppliers will give away prizes at their booths.
Supplier Members can sign-up to be an exhibitor by register for a booth at the TAA Trade Show, as long as your company is a member of the Tulsa Apartment Association.
The exhibitor booth size is 10ft x 10ft with 8ft pipe & drape at the back*, and 3ft pipe & drape on the sides. The booth reservation fee also includes one covered table, two chairs and electricity upon request. *Please note: some booth locations may have 3ft pipe & drape at the back.
Exhibitors are encouraged to incorporate the Game Night theme into their booth design. Awards will be given to the top 3 booths at the Trade Show!
You may have up to 4 company representatives in your booth. Additional representatives can be in your booth by purchasing additional exhibitor passes for $50 per person.
Booth selection will be done in the order that reservations are received, and priority will be given to sponsors in the following order: Host, Gold, Silver, Bronze. A TAA representative will contact you to reserve your booth space.
Reserve your booth by March 15: $450 per booth Reserve your booth March 16 - 29: $550 per booth
Reserve your booth March 30 - April 4 : $650 per booth
Payment is not required to reserve your booth, but payment must be received by April 4, 2024 to participate in the trade show. There will be NO refunds, exchanges, or cancellations once sponsorship or booth sign-up is received.
There are a variety of sponsorship package to fit any budget. As a sponsor of the TAA Trade Show you will receive benefits that will not only help you maximize your exposure during the event, but also before and after the event as well. If you are unsure of what these benefits are, click here to learn more details about these benefits.
Sold Out! The Trade Show Hero & Gold sponsors from last year get the first opportunity to register for this sponsorship. Please contact Cherice at the TAA office if you are interested in being a Host Sponsor and she will contact you after February 27th to let you know if we have any spots available for this year.
- company video/commercial posted on TAA social media platforms and/or event web page
- premier booth location option in seating area— equivalent to three booth spaces
- company logo on Trade Show bags
- company representative introduced in education session prior to Trade Show
- company representative recognition during grand prize drawings at Trade Show
- opportunity to announce your prize giveaways during the Trade Show on TAA Facebook page
- company representative & booth spotlighted on TAA social media platforms during Trade Show
- half-page advertisement in event program
- sponsor sign for booth area
- recognition on Trade Show promotional materials
- recognition in TAA staff email signatures
- recognition on Trade Show event web page
- recognition at March TAA luncheon meeting
Sponsors have one year to use the following benefits:
- three social media spotlights (posted on TAA social media platforms)
- two email blasts to TAA members
- banner ad on Supplier Member directory for three months
- banner ad in Insider e-Newsletter for one month
Sold out! Gold Sponsors from the previous year receive first opportunity to sign -up for the Gold sponsorship. Contact Cherice if you would like to be a Gold sponsor and she will let you know if an opportunity becomes available.
- one booth space (additional booth (+$400)
- company name on trade show bags
- company recognition in education sessions prior to Trade Show
- opportunity to announce your prize giveaways during the Trade Show on TAA Facebook page
- company representative & booth spotlighted on TAA social media platforms during Trade Show
- half-page advertisement in event program
- sponsor sign for booth area
- recognition on Trade Show promotional materials
- recognition in TAA staff email signatures
- recognition on Trade Show event web page
- recognition at March TAA luncheon meeting
Sponsors have one year to use the following benefits:
- two social media spotlights (posted on TAA social media platforms)
- one email blast to TAA members
- banner ad on Supplier Member Directory for three months
- banner ad in Insider e-Newsletter for one month
- one booth space (additional booth +$400)
- opportunity to have your prize giveaways posted on TAA social media platforms
- quarter-page advertisement in event program
- sponsor sign for booth area
- recognition on Trade Show event web page
- recognition at March TAA luncheon meeting
Sponsors have one year to use the following benefits:
- one social media spotlight (posted on TAA social media platforms)
- banner ad on Supplier Member Directory for three months
- banner ad in Insider e-Newsletter for one month
- one booth space (additional booth +$400)
- opportunity to have your prize giveaways posted on TAA social media platforms
- recognition in event program
- sponsor sign for booth area
- recognition on Trade Show event web page
- recognition at March TAA luncheon meeting
Sponsors have one year to use the following benefits:
- banner ad in Insider e-Newsletter for one month
There will be NO refunds, exchanges, or cancellations once sponsorship or booth sign-up is received. Payment is not required at the time you register for a sponsorship, but payment must be received by April 4, 2024 to participate in the trade show.
By participating in this event I agree and acknowledge that I am undertaking participation in Tulsa Apartment Association (TAA) events and activities as my own free and intentional act and am fully aware that possible physical injury or illness might occur to me as a result of my participation in these events. I give this acknowledgment freely and knowingly and that I am, as result, able to participate in TAA events and I do hereby assume responsibility for my own well-being. I agree to hold TAA harmless in the event that I incur any physical or mental injury, including illness, that might be attributed to my participation in the event.
By registering, attending, or participating in TAA activities and other activities, I hereby give consent to TAA (the "organization") to photograph, videotape, or otherwise digitally record and use images and/or sound recordings of myself to use in any public media, including radio, television, internet, social media, print or in any of TAA's publications, productions, or social media or internet posts. I understand that the intended use of such images and information is solely for the purpose of advertising, marketing, and/or the promotional and public awareness purposes for the organization or for the meeting or event I am attending. I hereby waive any rights or interest in the images or recordings, as contemplated in this release. I acknowledge that this consent to use images and/or recordings is being made solely for the benefit of the organization and comes without any expectation of monetary compensation or other benefit to me. To the extent that any benefit accrues or might accrue to the organization from the use of images or information, I hereby and forever waive any interest in or claim to such benefits. I hereby release and forever discharge the organization (including without limitation all corporate affiliates and officers, directors, trustees, donors, employees, agents and volunteers) from any and all claims, liability, actions, suits, demands, costs, expenses or indebtedness arising out of, related to, or in any way connected with the use of images and materials described herein, and I hereby waive all rights and interest in and to such information and materials.
For More Information:

Tulsa, OK 74136 918-747-6217